I've been presenting at Maker Faires for over five years. One year I drove from NC to World Maker Faire in NY from to help a friend present with his science kits. Another year I actually presented for Instructables at the Bay Area Maker Faire. Aside from that, I've brought my 3D printers to many smaller events to let people see a printer in action and assure them I am not using it to make weapons.

Representing Alamance Makers Guild

World Maker Faire with Harris Educational

My First Presentation. Sharing table with Shopbot
I love attending Maker Faires, meeting the people and seeing the projects in person.
I stay active at my local maker space and volunteer as an organizer for the Burlington Maker Faire, the largest in the state, and also as a board member of AMG (the Alamance Makers Guild)
I stay active at my local maker space and volunteer as an organizer for the Burlington Maker Faire, the largest in the state, and also as a board member of AMG (the Alamance Makers Guild)

Showing my Pigrrl to Limor Fried

3D Printed Car

World Maker Faire - Instructables Booth